CPdoDataProvider for YII framework
This class place data from SELECT result in CDataProvider
* CPdoDataProvider class file.
* @author Sobol Andrey <andrey.sobol.nn@gmail.com>
* @link http://www.asobol.ru/
* @copyright Copyright © 2010 Sobol Andrey
* @version 1.0
* @license GNU 2.0
* Use and sample:
* 1. Place unit in protected/components
* 2. In select result first field need primary key field.
* 3. Sample use. This is function from my class.
* public function getSqlProvider($aRubricTr){
* $sql= " select distinct _c.customerid from customer _c, customerinfo _ci, rubric _r";
* $sql.=" where get_root_customerid(_ci.customerid)=_c.rootcustomerid";
* $sql.=" and _ci.isactive and _c.isactive";
* $sql.=" and _r.rubricid=_ci.rubricid";
* $sql.=" and _r.tr <@ '$aRubricTr'";
* $sql.=" and _c.parentid IS NULL"; //collect only root customers
* $sqlcount="select count(foo.customerid) from (".$sql.") as foo";
* if (!$this->_dpCustomerForRubric){
* $this->_dpCustomerForRubric= new CPdoDataProvider(array(
* 'sql'=>$sql,
* 'sqlcount'=>$sqlcount,
* 'pagination'=>array(
* 'pageSize'=>self::PAGE_CUST_SIZE),
* ));
* }
* return $this->_dpCustomerForRubric;
* }
class CPdoDataProvider extends CDataProvider{
private $_sql;
private $_sqlcount;
private $_id;
private static $_pdoCounter=0;
public function __construct($config)
$config = new CConfiguration($config);
public function setSql($sql){
public function getSql(){
return $this->_sql;
public function setSqlCount($sql){
public function getSqlCount(){
return $this->_sqlcount;
public function getId()
public function setId($value)
protected function fetchData() {
$sql_pag=$cb->applyLimit($this->_sql, $limit, $offset);
} else
// $sort->applyOrder($criteria);
return $cmd->queryAll();
public function getSort()
return $sort;*/
return (parent::getSort());
protected function fetchKeys() {
foreach($this->getData() as $i=>$data){
return $keys;
protected function calculateTotalItemCount() {
//calculate total record count for query
if (isset($this->_sqlcount))
$q_cnt="select count(foo.*) from ($this->_sql) as foo";
return $cmd->queryScalar();